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Spiritual Direction
The Journey Inward

Spiritual Direction encourages the exploration of a closer relationship with the Divine, however one may name or know the Divine. In all of life’s busy-ness, we are often inattentive to or find it difficult to recognize the Divine within our daily activities and relationships. Trusting that we are not so much human beings on a spiritual journey but rather spiritual beings on a human journey, Spiritual Direction invites deep reflection and awareness of the presence of the Spirit of Life. Rather than looking for or seeking the Divine somewhere “out there”, Spiritual Direction helps us discover the Divine Mystery that is always present within and around us in ; through Spiritual Direction we come to a greater consciousness of this Holy Presence we call God.


Deciding to engage in Spiritual Direction is not so much finding a person to “direct” one’s journey.  If there is “a director”, it is the Spirit, God.  A relationship with a “Spiritual Director” is a relationship of shared listening for the movement, the voice, the yearning of the Holy within the individual. The practice of Spiritual Direction is a practice of shared attentiveness to the Holy Wonder, whatever one’s faith tradition may be, including those who have no religious background. Spiritual Direction trusts that God, Sacred Mystery, Holy Spirit, seeks each of us and invites us to attend the One who beckons.


Why would I seek Spiritual Direction?

  • to be more attentive to the Divine Presence

  • to name and appreciate one’s own encounter with the Divine

  • discernment regarding a particular situation

  • to understand difficulties; asking, “Where is the Divine in this?”

  • to integrate one’s spiritual journey within relationships, work, play, world

  • to share and companion one’s journey and questions beyond faith traditions

  • to expand one’s practices of experiencing the Divine


The Role of a Spiritual Director

Spiritual Directors should be well grounded in their own spiritual practices, open, non-judgmental and non-directive, and attentive listeners who can hear the heart as well as the words. A Spiritual Director is a responder; one who holds a mirror enabling and encouraging the other to see and hear God speaking within ones life. The individual takes the initiative to direct the conversational agenda. The Spiritual Director helps “wipe the lens” for clarity and focus, encouraging with affirmation and questions, and perhaps suggestions for further attentiveness.


Individual or Group Spiritual Direction

Usually Spiritual Direction occurs as a one-to-one relationship. It may be a relationship that lasts for a few sessions to address a particular situation or it may last for several years. Typically there is a fee that is agreed upon. A practice of regular scheduled meetings, usually monthly, fosters attentiveness to the Spiritual journey.

Group Spiritual Direction can be a meaningful way of attentiveness to the movement of God as community listeners. While a Spiritual Director may facilitate the group, the group together listens for the Spirit while different participants explore their wonderings, longings, and experiences. This may or may not be with a group whose members are familiar with one another. A group may meet for a set number of sessions and a fee may be less than individual Spiritual Direction.


Where do I begin?

A good match is important in the practice of Spiritual Direction.  A first meeting and conversation can be a helpful indication as to whether a particular Spiritual Director is best suited for you or if you may need to find another who resonates better with your way of seeking God. Miriam Bush, at The Center for Spirituality Action and Transformation, is available as a Spiritual Director or as a resource to help find one. Ask your spiritual leader (pastor, rabbi, imam, or official) who she/he might recommend, or visit Spiritual Directors International for information about Spiritual Direction and how to find a Spiritual Director near you.


(Adapted from Spiritual Directors International resources)


For more information or to schedule Spiritual Direction, Contact Me

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